WP3-Meeting: Exchanging on the LLL Policy Mapping, Review and Analysis Experience

The WP 3-Meeting for presenting and discussing first results of mapping LLL policies in the Functional Regions was held at the University of Münster from September 11th-12th, 2016.

The meeting aimed on exchanging first 'Mapping experiences' of the participants, on emerging problems and on the first steps of analyzing LLL policies. Due to the heterogeneity of the national, regional and local contexts the exchange ensures the compatibility and comparability of the generated data and cases. The participants had the chance to present and discuss different mappings from different parts of Europe (East, South and North) and discuss emerging problems as well as develop solutions in small workgroups. This allowed seeing how other partners have solved similar mapping problems and which solutions they have found for these problems. Therefore, the meeting provided a forum taking into account the diversity of realities in the participating countries as well as ensuring common mapping strategies representing all three levels (local/ regional, national and international) and the three policy sectors Labour Market Policy, Educational Policies (general, vocational), Social Youth Policies (SYP).

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