Work Package 4
Quantitative Analysis of Young Adults’ Social and Living Conditions
Based on a comparative perspective, WP 4 focuses on the interaction between LLL policies, young adults’ living conditions and country as well as selected regional contexts. Analysing the differences in living conditions of young adults in the regional settings as well as the socioeconomic context of a country helps us to understand how regional contexts foster or interfere with growth and social inclusion.
For this purpose, relevant international and national data sources (macro-level) are identified and selected, comparing socio-economic conditions (i.e. qualifications), labour (e.g. youth unemployment), education (e.g. access to education), training and learning (e.g. early school leavers), and social dimensions (e.g. national LLL policies for young adults). This approach helps to understand how and to what extent structural living conditions of young adults mediate and influence lifelong learning policies.